Wednesday, March 7, 2018

A letter that never came

Almost everything tangible has an expiry date. How differently would she have lived her life if she too had an expiry date, she wonders. Imagine if for every child born, a date is given, a duration proclaimed. Would we have lived our lives differently?

A letter that never came.

Lovely, welcome to the world, it can be a cruel place, but I hope you find warmth. It will bring you joy and sorrow, tears and laughter, hope and unbearable pain, I pray you experience it all. You will remember some and you will forget some. You will collect regrets and memories and loved ones. You will keep them and lose them. You will be useful and useless, when you find meaning and lose the purpose. You will live and then you will leave, while you live, I hope you are alive. 

 Sincerely yours for now, 

Sunday, February 25, 2018

A badge to the heart

She had a thought. An epiphany. An answer.

You can't unlove people.

Nobody can.

Your feelings might change, you may hate, you may cut off, you may loose touch but you can't unlove.

She pinned that thought on her wounded heart like a badge. A badge of hope, blessing and curse.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

7 years

It's been 7 years. She stumbles upon the letters she wrote to others only to finally realize, they were for herself. Those letters speak strength, they hold truth and uphold hope. Seven years had passed and the pen feels different in the palm of her hands. The pages do not run smooth anymore. 

Hope is beginning to feel like something Santa brings only once a year and disappears in the face of reality and as you get older.

Dear Santa,
Where the fuck are you?