Monday, March 28, 2011

A friend better than a mirror.


Sometimes people can’t see hope anymore, you don’t seem to see it that way . – Jas


Sometimes you look at the reflection at the mirror and all you see is where the spots are, where the freckles are.

Today in her journey, she stepped into a place filled with mirrors. Mirrors of all kind. One that enlarges, one that shrinks, that heightens and one that shortens. But the things that only seem to reflect back is the spots.

Today, she stood in the mercy of her reflection with a question.

Is she enough? For all the things she does, is she enough? Is she enough for everyone and every other thing?

Sometimes in our lives, all we need is a new perspective, a reassurance, a friend.


Just that time a friend came into that room with mirrors, and for every reflection, her new company saw something in that reflection that she fail to see all along.

Hope and preservation.

And that was enough for her. To know that she is of hope and that she never stops trying. These two words will resound in her head for a very long time, like water to one who thirsts, it will sustain her spirit.

You too are more than the man in the mirror. Much more. Pass the freckles, pass the marks on your face, there is something inside of you.  You are made for a reason but instead of wasting your time searching for that reason, start living first. Because I believe unless you  start living, no other reason will matter.

Someone once said, ‘ don’t ask what the world needs,  ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

You are more than your reflection tells you.

The world needs someone like you. - Jas