Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Experiences teaches you, it makes you – a tougher you- only if you let it.

All our experiences are based on the past, but not all that happened in the past are necessarily an experience because experience is something that impacted you, that changed you –for the better or worse, an experience is something that caught you in the moment, it pulled you aside for a second and said remember this, and most often than not, it made you your own teacher and made you eat your own lessons - that’s an experience.

That time you dipped your cookie in the milk for too long, it became too soft and fell into bottom of the cup. That time when you sneaked out of class, or that time you deliberately didn’t do your homework and was asked to hand in the next day. Remember that experience when you fell because your shoe lace was untie or that time you woke up early on Saturdays just for your favourite cartoon. The experience when you were betrayed of your trust, the experience when you scored a distinction or that time you woke up late for an exam or the when you had the best times of your life. There are gazillions of experiences that we have, and each, has shaped us to be who we are today.

Based on experience you might think the point here is to tell you that you’re are in control of how you are going to feel about tomorrow. But the real point here is what you do not experience shapes you. Yes, the times you just ate what your mum cooked, you don’t remember them, but she might have worked hard at it. That time you had a seat in the train and standing in front of you was someone who had leg cramps.

Yes, its equally ridiculous to be remembering all that happens in our life, almost impossible psychologically. But we can remember this, that our inability to understand something shapes our ignorance. So while you and I are ignorant, as difficult as it may seem, lets not pass judgements.

Something she is learning to this very day.